Note: This was written by Caitlin Ang, one of BookSpine’s valuable interns.

Belongingness is the word that comes to mind when I think about BookSpine PH. In my one month with the team, there was never a time when I felt left out. The people have been very welcoming of me right from the start. And as the days went by, I realized there will always be someone whom I can count on. It’s one of the many things about them that I find the most endearing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

At first, I thought being an intern would limit me to my specific job description. However, it wasn’t the case with BookSpine PH. My fellow interns and I were given equal opportunities to express our ideas regardless of our position. We were encouraged to participate in core team meetings and attend relevant webinars that would greatly contribute to our career growth. The seniors were generous in giving us access to most of their company tools, resources, and training materials that would help us adjust better to our new environment. Working in a startup company that adopts a flexi-time and output-based culture can be quite challenging. After all, it trains us to wisely utilize our time to accomplish our respective tasks. But with the guidance of our respective leaders, I was able to keep my responsibilities in line. The overall treatment we’re receiving stirred something in me. No words are enough to communicate how fortunate I am to be part of this community.

Some people say it’s expected to feel overwhelmed the moment you expose yourself to a new environment. But a few weeks with this diverse group of bookworms, I was more motivated to grow alongside them. It’s not just their passion that willed me to learn and progress. It’s the value they want to convey that inspired me to take a chance and make a difference. Somehow, I just can’t seem to find it in me to feel overwhelmed when I’m surrounded by such genuine people. Self-motivated and goal-driven individuals make up this magnificent team. As a customer-centric organization that supports local booksellers and authors, I witnessed firsthand how they work hard to put their thoughts into action. With creativity flowing everywhere, ideas come to fruition. While I hear numerous times from my peers how the early stages of a business are usually the toughest, BookSpine PH is simply not the type to hide behind the shadows and cower in fear. Just like their name, they seriously have a strong backbone.

The e-commerce industry will continue to grow and expand over time. Many startup businesses are also stepping up their game. The intensifying rivalry just gets more real as society adapts to technological advancements. Even so, there is one thing I’m sure of. Despite the numerous competitors out there, I believe BookSpine PH has the potential to reach greater heights. Although the company is currently going through changes and developments, I know they are bound to create an impact in years to come. With aspirational individuals leading the team, I wouldn’t be surprised if they make it to the top one day. Their mission to be of service among Filipinos is at its purest form. Their advocacy is the greatest thing I admire about them. As long as they have the drive in life and keep their vision alive, I trust they’ll be able to achieve their goals and fulfill their purpose for the community they serve. 

Something about BookSpine PH made me take that first step. I didn’t know what it was. At least, not until I’ve become part of their team. As a startup, I feel as if I’m aligned with the nature of the business. To someone who is focusing on a path toward career growth, I couldn’t ask for a better starting point to reach my destination.

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